Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Bean Planter & The Corn Planter, Can You Tell The Difference?

I finally can tell the difference. I will explain to you how I can tell these too planters apart. Well, the corn planter has numerous, yellow, little containers running along both sides of the planters back end. How do I remember that this is a corn planter well,,,,(Ok this is kinda kookie, but...),,,,When you think of a corn cob, it has tons of kernel's running up and down as seen below.

Hence, the Corn Planter looks like corn on the cob. Use your imagination...

If you have made it this far that means that you can either relate to my madness or think that I am completely insane. Either way, you must remember I did not grow up around tractors, combines, planters ect... So I am constantly learning and will continue to make up crazy little ways for myself to remember what the name of each machine is.

Continually Learning,

Farming Fabulously

Stay tuned for an education on the bean planter..Which from my point of view could become some what interesting.

1 comment:

MIL said...

Nicole wanted a close up picture of the soybean seeder