Friday, June 6, 2008

Can you say, Galvanized Steel?

Good Morning Everyone, It's FRIDAY.....And OK, you caught me these pic's were taken earlier this spring (on a day when it wasn't raining, gosh I really miss those days), when the farm was moving bins around and fixing bins that were hit by the devastating twister. This particular picture was taken before the excitement began with the bins transformation. The large bin on the right hand side was way-laid by the roof of the house (dang tornado's), so it needed alittle makeover (bet you never would have thought that you would ever see, the words tornado, bins, and makeover all in the same sentence, I know I have a gift, or at least that is what I tell myself).

Directly behind the second bin, on the right hand side, there is a smaller bin that was moved to the left hand side, to be with the fellow bins that are his size (frankly he/the bins just wasn't blending in well with mighty bins, I think? Yeah right, that really doesn't make any sense, forget I mentioned that). AND back to the subject at hand; The little bin was successfully moved, and the concrete slab has been resurrected from the earth (which if anyone is in need of some busted up concrete, I can hook you up). Point being, the next step in the transition is pouring the concrete for the new, mighty bin. Will keep you posted with the progress as it unfolds..


Farming Fabulously

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