Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Meet Cowboy Rob!

I thought it would be appropriate if you all met the harvest team. So for the next few day's I will be trying to introduce all of them individually. First up to bat is Cowboy Rob, his duty of choice is to drive the tractor that pulls the grain cart. Now, Cowboy Rob resides in Alabama, but comes to Family Farm every year for harvest. He sure does enjoy pulling the grain cart and what the plus is that he is marvelous at it. A real speed racer, if you will. He can transport the grain from the combine to the semi-trucks, a mile away, in 93 seconds flat (He currently is holding the farm record). Cowboy Rob has been a huge asset to our team, and we hope that he will continue to come help the farmstead for years to come.

Farming Fabulously

Oh my, does Cowboy Rob have someone riding with him? That is a person of interst, I wonder who that could be. Hmmmm? I need to ponder on that.

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