Monday, July 20, 2009

Off Season Projects....

There are two times of the year when the farmstead goes into overdrive, "Planting Season" and "Harvest Season". During that time, the FB's (Farm Boy's) focus solely on putting tiny seeds into the ground and taking crops out of the ground. But it is that precious time in the middle when the hardcore farmstead odds/ends get done. It is now that middle time.

Welcome to our odds/ends Projecte Numbre Uno, our as I like to refer to it as Project Number 1.

HH was diligently working on putting up a brand spanking new cattle lot. This will be an area where the FB's will "work" the farmstead bovine.

If HH was a cartoon super hero, we would call him *insert creepy deep voice* Wondrous Welder!

Wondrous Welder has the masculine ability to cut through a rigided steel fence post with one swipe of his wrist. My heart be still!

This is the house that is located on that property. Isn't it a beauty? President Harry S. Truman was raised just 60 miles from there. And it just so happens to be the house that BDW (Big Daddy Wayne) called home for many years. I love it!

Farming Fabulously

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