Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sensational High!

Now ladies, you know how you would never hesitate to lend one of your darling BFF's a lovely pair of your stiletto's or perhaps a decadent evening clutch, all for the sake of fabulocity!

The fact that you would go out of your way to make a friend look and feel their absolute best gives you a warm tingly feeling inside.

It was all because those tiger striped heels paired wonderfully with that alligator skinned purse, that really made your friend lite up the room when she entered!

Which in turn makes you act just as gitty in your barn jeans, mud boots, and half torn tee-shirt. Yet you don't care, you just contributed to the immaculate sensational high that your buddy is currently experiencing.

When sheer bliss is ultimately reached, your expectations have been successfully met! However, I really can't see how a track-hoe could make you climax to the same level that impeccable style could reach?

Yet each to their own! HH definitely enjoyed moving this piece of machinery down the road to park it safely at the farmstead. So basically he experienced approximately 7 and a quarter minutes of pure exuberance.

Farming Fabulously

Program Note: FF could see how the sun roof would be an impressive feature that would make it some what exhilarating to cruse around in. And I am sure that Baby Boy will love to ride with Daddy when he gets older.

Speaking of Baby Boy is 20 weeks along already! He is definitely growing like lambs quarter, FF just keeps expanding about every 2.8 days.

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