Sunday, May 9, 2010

Farming Wrap UP!

If you recall, I chatted earlier last week about all of those old pictures I have laying around that desperately need to be posted. Well these are some of those photos!

They were taken near the end of our harvest season. At this point the FB's (Farm Boy's), could see the light at the end of the tunnel. And considering it was such a wet fall again, we considered ourselves extremely fortunate that we were able to get all of the commodities out of fields.

This was however during our "Crunch Time" of the season, when the FB's were working round the clock. Putting in 23 hour days, allowing themselves only only a brief one hour cat nap daily.

Oh the joys of the farming world! Baby D has so much to look forward too!

Farming Fabulously

Program Note: Brunch recipes to be posted soon!

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